This framework requires several configurations to be able to work on iOS. Please make sure you have those requirement:
● Compatible with apps targeting iOS 13.0 and above.
TUTELAR and Integrate current pod version.
Copy ex:
pod 'Tutelar', '~> 0.0.3'
To initialize the SDK add the below line of code with the public key you retrieved from Tutelar merchant panel. If you don’t have a public key create new one.
Copy let tutelar = Fingerprint (key: " Your Unique Public Key ")
Copy tutelar.getDeviceDetails(withDelegate: self )
Use the below code to obtain the Device result.
Copy extension ViewController: FingerprintDelegate{
func onFailure(message: String) {
// Failure Callback.
func onSuccess(data: String) {
// Success Callback
Copy <key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key>
<string>Require to get user location</string>
Copy {
"customer": {
"phone": "9042850403",
"name": "Nathan ",
"email": ""
"deviceFingerPrint": {
"time": {
"timezone": "Asia\/Kolkata",
"timestamp": 1687255693166
"status": true,
"ipAddress": "",
"device": {
"data_roaming": true,
"root_status": false,
"deviceMemory": "3660 mb",
"location_info": {
"latitude": "",
"longitude": "",
"address": ""
"ip_address": "",
"microPhoneHardware": {
"hasMicrophone": true
"displayResolution": "375.0 x 812.0",
"brand": "Apple",
"deviceCharging": true,
"model": "iPhone",
"is_emulator": false,
"timezone": "Asia\/Kolkata",
"screenHeight": 812,
"deviceTypes": {
"isMac": false,
"isDesktop": false,
"isiPad": false,
"isiPod": false,
"isSmartTV": false,
"isMobile": false,
"isTablet": false,
"isiPhone": true,
"isLinux64": false,
"isLinux": false,
"isWindows": false
"videoHardware": {
"hasWebCam": true
"is_real_device": true,
"country_info": {
"country": "IN",
"display_country": "India",
"iso_3_country": "IN"
"system_storage": {
"total": "119.09 GB",
"used": "63.48 GB"
"platform": "iOS",
"external_storage": "",
"screen_brightness": 0.36149275302886963,
"touchSupport": true,
"board": "",
"network_type": "CTRadioAccessTechnologyLTE",
"language_info": {
"iso_3_language": "en",
"language": "en-IN",
"display_language": "English"
"deviceId": "6C75365E-077F-4694-9E26-5F49D122B1E8",
"os": "iOS 15.6.1",
"batteryLevel": "0.98",
"type": "",
"kernel_version": "21.6.0",
"devicePixelRatio": "375.0 x 812.0",
"timestamp": 1687255693.1973171,
"memory_information": {
"total_memory": "3660 mb",
"available_memory": "",
"used_memory": ""
"screenWidth": 375,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"screen_size": "5.5",
"audioHardware": {
"hasSpeakers": true
"data_enabled": true
"shipping": {
"postalCode": "600398",
"address": "12b North street CIT ",
"state": "Tamilnadu ",
"method": "Delivery",
"name": "Nathan",
"phone": "9042858384",
"country": "India",
"email": "",
"city": "Chennai ",
"period": "5"
"productDescription": "Television ",
"amount": "1",
"billing": {
"state": "Tamilnadu ",
"address": "12b North street CIT ",
"city": "Chennai ",
"country": "India",
"postalCode": "600398",
"name": "Nathan "
"merchant": {
"id": "TUTGOIBQAGO00001"
"orderId": 1687255693314.2939,
"mode": "test",
"productType": "TV",
“currencyCode”: “INR”,
"paymentData": {
"bin": "4242 4242 4242 4242",
"name": "Nathan",
"tokenHash": "ryvyIqXLkCYQxScj"
"paymentInstrument": "card"